- 08/01/2019 - 写真ブログはインスタで続けています
- 09/04/2018 - 生涯教育学のこと
- 08/02/2018 - 『木に立って見る?』
- 08/02/2018 - せいこさんありがとうございました
- 07/24/2018 - 西田せいこさん『メディテーション入門』
- 06/02/2018 - ルーズベルト島6月のPPC開催しました
- 05/30/2018 - 天使の誕生日
- 05/21/2018 - 潜在意識の威力
- 05/18/2018 - 生き方ダウンサイズ&アップグレード
- 04/27/2018 - ルーズベルト島PPCの活動について
- 04/22/2018 - ポジティブペアレンティングサークル
- 02/27/2018 - 「これはしない、あれはする」
- 12/31/2017 - 皆さま良い新年をお迎えください
- 11/13/2017 - Michelangelo Exhibition at MET museum
- 10/29/2017 - Jack O Lantern party
- 10/27/2017 - I love this place
- 10/19/2017 - Pumpkin season
- 10/15/2017 - ひろみさんありがとう♡
- 10/09/2017 - ひろみさん in NY Day 3
- 10/07/2017 - 牛嶋ひろみさんin NY 2017 Day 1-2
- 10/03/2017 - 牛嶋ひろみさん in NY 2017 スケジュール
- 10/03/2017 - 牛嶋ひろみさん「あなたが大切だから」
- 09/01/2017 - 「トビタテ!留学JAPAN」高校生プログラム
- 08/22/2017 - お誕生日ありがとう!
- 08/08/2017 - キャリア&ライフコーチングwith 吉村亜希子さん
- 07/01/2017 - Insta使い始めました!
- 06/19/2017 - お片づけプライベートセミナー with 奈津子さん
- 06/09/2017 - Rose Garden Tour at NY Botanical Garden
- 06/07/2017 - 嬉しい〜♡
- 05/29/2017 - 初挑戦!
- 05/17/2017 - お片づけセミナーのご感想とご報告をいただきました
- 05/16/2017 - お片付けセミナー at 講師宅を開催しました
- 05/11/2017 - セントラルパークで藤のお花見
- 05/05/2017 - Central Park view from Metropolitan Museum
- 05/05/2017 - 川久保玲展 at メトロポリタン美術館
- 05/04/2017 - ニューヨークで端午の節句
- 05/03/2017 - 「心とお部屋のお片付けセミナー」 at 講師宅のお知らせ
- 04/30/2017 - 公開お片づけセミナー at コーチング Cafe
- 04/18/2017 - パークアベニューの八重桜が咲きました〜
- 04/15/2017 - Empire State Building in Easter color
- 04/10/2017 - セントラルパークのソメイヨシノが満開です!
- 04/06/2017 - Easter lilies in full bloom
- 03/31/2017 - こんなところに!
- 03/21/2017 - 今を楽しむ
- 03/20/2017 - 春よ来い〜!
- 03/14/2017 - 少し遅れてやってきた雪
- 03/08/2017 - 今朝もお抹茶
- 03/02/2017 - アストロコーチ高木悠凪さん
- 03/01/2017 - 「心とお部屋のお片づけセミナー」開催のお知らせ
- 02/28/2017 - Metropolitan Opera "若きウエルテルの悩み”
- 01/14/2017 - 新しい地下鉄Q Lineの駅が近くに出来ました(^。^)
- 01/01/2017 - 新年あけましておめでとうございます
- 12/23/2016 - Holiday season in New York
- 12/07/2016 - お片づけ&風水コラボセミナーを開催しました
- 12/04/2016 - Park Avenue Christmas tree lighting ceremony
- 12/01/2016 - Happy winter season☃
- 11/30/2016 - お片づけ&風水コラボセミナーのお知らせ
- 11/21/2016 - Before & After in 15 minutes!
- 11/16/2016 - 公開お片づけセミナー in Long Island Cityを開催しました
- 11/13/2016 - Tonight's supermoon from my balcony
- 11/10/2016 - Beautiful fall foliage is here
- 11/09/2016 - 自分に出来ることをする
- 11/08/2016 - Just because these flowers were beautiful
- 11/05/2016 - Fall foliage tunnel in Conneticut
- 11/03/2016 - Chrysler Building at one fall evening
- 11/02/2016 - 「公開お片づけセミナー in Greenwich」を開催しました
- 10/26/2016 - Carnegie Mansion カーネギー家邸宅
- 10/26/2016 - 公開お片づけセミナー in Long Island Cityのお知らせ
- 10/25/2016 - 公開お片づけセミナー in Greenwichのお知らせ
- 10/25/2016 - Halloween is coming
- 10/18/2016 - ♡Happy occasion♡
- 10/12/2016 - アーティスト牛嶋ひろみさん in New York
- 09/16/2016 - Harvest moon in Manhattan
- 08/07/2016 - 私もこの気持ちを感じました。。
- 08/05/2016 - 感情のフタが開いてしまいました〜
- 07/14/2016 - 「公開お片づけセミナー in Roosevelt Island」を開催しました!
- 06/25/2016 - 吉本美奈子さま宅で「公開お片づけセミナー in Tokyo」を開催しました!
- 05/19/2016 - 公開お片づけレッスン in Astoria
- 05/05/2016 - Children's Day こどもの日
- 04/11/2016 - Hello Kittyを笑顔にさせたい!
- 04/04/2016 - Sixth anniversary of Life in New York
- 04/02/2016 - Cherry Blossom 2016 in Central Park
- 03/26/2016 - Spring into Easter
- 03/14/2016 - 子供絵本作家の誕生です
- 03/11/2016 - Love Parade on 5th Anniversary 311
- 03/08/2016 - 皆さんのオリジナル絵本でとても温かい気持ちになりました♡
- 03/03/2016 - Doll Festival - Hinamatsuri
- 02/17/2016 - New York Fashion Week Kimono show
- 02/12/2016 - Valentin's Day 2016
- 02/07/2016 - My eyes were caught by her art at National Academy Museum
- 02/05/2016 - GUCCI 2016 Spring Fashion at Bergdorf Goodman
- 01/23/2016 - Snow day in Central Park
- 01/01/2016 - Happy New Year 2016
- 12/14/2015 - Christmas decoration in New York City
- 12/08/2015 - 「自分だけのオリジナル絵本作り」ワークショップ in New York 第二回、第三回のご案内
- 11/21/2015 - The first "Visual book" workshop in New York
- 11/11/2015 - Central Park autumn colour/color 2015
- 11/03/2015 - With my special friend, illustrator Hiromi Ushijima
- 11/02/2015 - NYの国連国際学校でビジュアルブック作りの授業開催
- 10/25/2015 - 「魔法の質問 ライフストーリーテラー養成講座ニューヨーク」 マツダミヒロさん&牛島浩美さん ニューヨークツアー
- 09/04/2015 - 断捨離やましたひでこさんの講演会
- 08/03/2015 - 自分のクローゼットでお買い物
- 07/25/2015 - よろしくお願いいたします
- 05/25/2015 - Beautiful Central Park in May
- 04/24/2015 - "Life of Cats" exhibition at Japan Society Gallery
- 04/22/2015 - Cherry blossom with Manhattan view in Roosevelt Island
- 04/19/2015 - Cherry blossom in Central Park
- 04/16/2015 - Spring in Central Park
- 04/02/2015 - 2015 Spring Fashion at Chanel
- 03/29/2015 - Popular author Mihiro Matsuda visit in NYC
- 03/29/2015 - Breakfast at Plaza Hotel
- 03/28/2015 - Birthday flower from family in NY, Toronto & Tokyo
- 03/26/2015 - With UNICEF Illustrator Hiromi Ushijima from Japan
- 03/24/2015 - Spring come, please!
- 03/17/2015 - Cinderella fashion at Saks 5th Ave
- 02/18/2015 - Best cherry pie in the world♥️
- 02/16/2015 - Spring fashion 2015 at Bloomingdales
- 02/13/2015 - Happy Valentine's Day from New York
- 01/12/2015 - MOMA: Museum of Modern Art is filled with arts
- 01/01/2015 - New Year's food 2015
- 12/31/2014 - New Year's eve
- 12/25/2014 - Christmas tree at Rockfeller Center
- 12/07/2014 - Can you smell the fresh wreath?
- 12/02/2014 - Plants in Casta Rica
- 12/01/2014 - Local arts in Costa Rica
- 11/30/2014 - Parrots reserve in Costa Rica
- 11/28/2014 - Pacific Ocean in Costa Rica
- 11/21/2014 - Make up by professional artist Shizu-san
- 11/21/2014 - I saw THE bag by Rei Kawakubo of Commes des Garcons
- 11/19/2014 - How would you use this bag?
- 11/11/2014 - Fall color in Central Park
- 11/10/2014 - Getting ready for holiday season at Rockfeller Center
- 11/08/2014 - Window display at Anthropologie
- 11/07/2014 - Chanel loves pink this season
- 11/06/2014 - Bloomingdales window theater
- 10/19/2014 - Night view of Toronto from the sky
- 10/19/2014 - Manhattan from sky
- 10/12/2014 - New York Rangers opening game!
- 10/08/2014 - Apple store on 59th St & 5th Ave
- 10/07/2014 - Metropolitan Museum Kimono exibition
- 10/04/2014 - Fall decoration in Upper East
- 09/29/2014 - Grand Central at night
- 09/28/2014 - Yankees captain Jeter retired after 20 years with Yankees & Hello Kitty Yankees official bubble head
- 09/25/2014 - More pictures from Lake Tahoe and balcony of the house where we stayed
- 09/24/2014 - Colorful vegetables at green market in Union Square
- 09/23/2014 - Lunch time at Bryant Park
- 09/22/2014 - Back in New York City
- 09/20/2014 - Golden Gate Bridge in foggy San Francisco
- 09/19/2014 - Selfie with Lake Tahoe bear
- 09/18/2014 - Huge mountain fire occurred near Lake Tahoe
- 09/17/2014 - Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe
- 09/16/2014 - Yosemite Valley
- 09/15/2014 - Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias
- 09/08/2014 - Garden maze exhibition at Metropolitan Museum Roof top by American Dan Graham
- 09/08/2014 - View from Central Park Tennis court
- 09/07/2014 - "Who's One Win Away" with Nishikori picture by New York Times
- 09/04/2014 - More US Open site pictures
- 09/02/2014 - Fall & Winter fashion at Bloomingdales by Chanel & Moncler
- 09/01/2014 - Fall fashion on Madison Avenue
- 08/30/2014 - Traditional hardware & Lighting store in Manhattan
- 08/29/2014 - Cute orange dog at Bloomingdales
- 08/28/2014 - Unique Japanese food and おいしい bag found at Whole Foods
- 08/27/2014 - Trip to Mexico in Spanish Harlem, North East Manhattan
- 08/26/2014 - Relaxing in French Garden in Centra Park
- 08/25/2014 - Art Everywhere - A very very big art show at subway station
- 08/24/2014 - Upper East residential area near Central Park
- 08/23/2014 - Gogh & Sunflower at Metropolitan Museum
- 08/21/2014 - Board walk to US Open site, welcome tent to the gate, banners of former champions and my idol Chris Evert
- 08/19/2014 - US Open 2014 The major late summer event in New York
- 08/18/2014 - Would you walk an alligator in a fashionable suit? In Bloomingdales New York, Yes.
- 08/17/2014 - Look who is on the cover of Japanese tennis magazine!
- 08/15/2014 - Big smiles after intensive coaching sessions with Mayumi-san from Tokyo
- 08/13/2014 - Nice & cooling waterfall between buildings in Manhattan
- 08/12/2014 - Construction site as art gallery
- 08/11/2014 - Donut peaches are in season and taste so sweet & juicy♡
- 08/10/2014 - Super moon from Manhattan rooftop
- 08/09/2014 - Beautiful organic vegetables from Farmers Market at Union Square in the middle of Manhattan
- 08/06/2014 - Prayers by various religious leaders at the 20th annual interfaith meeting for Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Event
- 08/05/2014 - Seasonal soft shell crab with Rose flower tea. So delicious!
- 08/04/2014 - Fancy select shop found in the chaos of New York Chinatown
- 08/01/2014 - Last season for Yankees 20 years veteran captain Jeter
- 07/31/2014 - View of midtown from Roosevelt Island Tram
- 07/30/2014 - Fun, Tasty and Informative Ice tea class by Yuko-sensei
- 07/29/2014 - Thank your for working hard to keep NYC clean!
- 07/28/2014 - Sunset over Central Park from rooftop
- 07/25/2014 - City view from North Woods in Central Park
- 07/24/2014 - Rainbow found in a fountain at Central Park
- 07/23/2014 - Hello Kitty wine from California & Italy!
- 07/22/2014 - Beautiful sunset on Redondo Beach in California
- 07/21/2014 - Redondo Beach in south of Los Angels
- 07/20/2014 - Meeting with niece Trisha at Caltech in Pasadena CA
- 07/19/2014 - Cheers with home grown mint Mojito!
- 07/18/2014 - Rooftop garden: Flower for mind & eye and Herbs for cooking
- 07/16/2014 - Jeff Koons at Whitney Museum
- 07/14/2014 - This ordinary looking door leads to "Speakeasy" from Prohibition still alive and popular in NYC.
- 07/12/2014 - Central Park & East side view from Columbus Circle
- 07/11/2014 - Morning walk with a Central Park expert
- 07/10/2014 - Am I seeing through his body?
- 07/09/2014 - Amazing Kabuki in New York by Heisei Nakamura-za
- 07/08/2014 - Jeff Koons "Split-Rocker" in Rockefeller Center was much bigger than I thought!
- 07/07/2014 - Quiet moment with Isamu Noguchi still water sculpture at Metropolitan Museum
- 07/06/2014 - ♡Engagement party for my friend♡ Best wishes to you and your sweet fiancé♡
- 07/05/2014 - Deers from Edo and Heisei meet at Metropolitan Museum
- 07/04/2014 - Happy July 4th
- 07/03/2014 - A Certain Slant of Light: Spencer Finch at the Morgan Library
- 07/02/2014 - Sake to celebrate Kabuki performance in New York
- 07/01/2014 - Celebrating Canada Day at Tim Hortons in Manhattan
- 06/30/2014 - Sandals with fashion statement. Can you see floating heels?
- 06/29/2014 - Empire State building celebrates Pride parade with rainbow color
- 06/28/2014 - Mojito season in New York with hot & humid days
- 06/27/2014 - Sky found in a pond at Central Pak
- 06/26/2014 - Red big fun sculpture on 5th Avenue
- 06/25/2014 - There must be some good food for the long line
- 06/24/2014 - Skinny handsome building view from 5th Avenue / 57th Street
- 06/23/2014 - New York LOVES Jeff Koons
- 06/22/2014 - Already? Fall fashion at GUCCI on 5th Avenue
- 06/21/2014 - Sports bars are popular place for World Cup viewing
- 06/20/2014 - Very exiting Tango concert at Consulate of Argentina
- 06/19/2014 - Hokusai at Metropolitan Museum vs Mikimoto on 5th Avenue
- 06/18/2014 - Ghosts found in Tribeca.
- 06/17/2014 - I ♡ Brooklyn Bridge.
- 06/16/2014 - "All Good Things" in Tribeca is "Mostly Open" ^ ^
- 06/15/2014 - Beauty of Nature in Central Park
- 06/14/2014 - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY especially for a family with two fathers! "The marriage equality movement"
- 06/13/2014 - Robert De Niro's Tribeca Grill entrance display drawn by PS234
- 06/12/2014 - Samurai Japan Daruma in New York!
- 06/11/2014 - New style of sculpture?
- 06/10/2014 - Painter on 34th street
- 06/09/2014 - My favorite subway station, "Natural History Museum"
- 06/08/2014 - Meeting my friend at Diane's bakery in Long Island
- 06/07/2014 - Colorful soccer shoes
- 06/06/2014 - Tree lined Brownstones. New York's favorite town house.
- 06/04/2014 - Gelato heaven
- 06/03/2014 - View from the balcony of our humble NY size apartment
- 06/02/2014 - Japanese culture found in New York
- 06/01/2014 - Sunday brunch at Bryant Park Grill
- 05/31/2014 - Tanaka "Ma-kun" is called Yankees Ace with 8th win and Hello Kitty is contributing the team as his team mate, too!
- 05/29/2014 - Japanese iris in bloom on Roosevelt Island
- 05/28/2014 - "On Paper/Grand Central at 100" in food court
- 05/27/2014 - Banana Republic interior New York version
- 05/26/2014 - 60' exhibition at Grand Central Terminal
- 05/25/2014 - Go Rangers Go!
- 05/24/2014 - Am I still in Japan? No, I am in New York!
- 05/22/2014 - Thank you for sending me! See you in New York next time!
- 05/21/2014 - Nice and simple arrangement by my mother.
- 05/20/2014 - Yokohama Bay Bridge
- 05/19/2014 - Louis Vuitton building in Ginza
- 05/18/2014 - Relaxing at green tea cafeteria
- 05/12/2014 - Japanese spring dishes.
- 05/11/2014 - Japanese garden my father created and loved so much.
- 05/10/2014 - Visiting Japan for the first memorial service for my father
- 05/06/2014 - My husband found a great hobby!
- 05/05/2014 - May 5th is Boys Day Festival now Children's Day in Japan. Samurai armor is a symbol of strong body and spirit.
- 05/04/2014 - Can you guess what this is??? It was at shoe shop.
- 05/03/2014 - Central Park Tennis Center
- 05/02/2014 - Baby Shower with cute "diaper cake" and mini cup cakes
- 05/01/2014 - Cherry blossom on Park Avenue
- 04/30/2014 - Tulips and New York Public Library at Bryant Park
- 04/29/2014 - How many dogs can one dog walker take?
- 04/28/2014 - Tulips and daffodils are in full bloom in Central Park
- 04/27/2014 - Flying from Toronto to New York City
- 04/26/2014 - My friend Hana made a good friend
- 04/25/2014 - My younger son moved to Toronto's up and coming area.
- 04/24/2014 - I am in Toronto and having Maple Macchiato. I love it♡
- 04/23/2014 - Jazz night by Ben Rosenblum trio. Ben is my American friend's 20 years old son who is a promising jazz pianist in NY. Click the photo for his original compose w
- 04/22/2014 - Cute pieces found in shop window♡
- 04/21/2014 - Grand Central Terminal exterior & the clock in concorse
- 04/20/2014 - What are those white things on Park Avenue? They were Paper Chase by ALICE AYCOCK
- 04/19/2014 - Today's IMAGINE at Strawberry Field in Central Park
- 04/18/2014 - Cherry blossom in Central Park
- 04/17/2014 - There was a young boy among chess players at Union Square
- 04/17/2014 - I found many more Big Eggs around Columbus Circle
- 04/16/2014 - Yes, cherry blossom! Then snow next day☃
- 04/15/2014 - Perfect looking person on a summer like day.
- 04/14/2014 - I was wondering about decorated eggs all over NYC. They were "Big Egg Hunt" for charity event.
- 04/13/2014 - You can enjoy Sunday brunch with Jazz at Kitano Hotel
- 04/12/2014 - United Nations and Japan Society are nearby
- 04/11/2014 - Are you practicing this style of art?
- 04/10/2014 - View of Manhattan from New Jersey side. Being able to see something when you change the point of view is like coaching.
- 04/09/2014 - Tanaka debuted at Yankee Stadium with 7 innings for 3-3
- 04/08/2014 - Spring window in Upper East Town House
- 04/07/2014 - Guggenheim Museum has a huge round slope from 6th to ground floor
- 04/06/2014 - View of Upper West Side over Central Park
- 04/05/2014 - Chrysler Building, night time jewel
- 04/04/2014 - There was a bread window tucked down below the restaurant in my neighborhood; old fashioned side of NY
- 04/03/2014 - He is in Metropolitan Museum in Upper East.
- 04/02/2014 - They are in Lower East parking lot
- 04/01/2014 - She is in Little Italy.
- 03/31/2014 - I like to go to NHL games because more than half of the players are Canadian! My son plays hockey outside during winter, too.
- 03/30/2014 - I tend to forget but family units start with friendship, too.
- 03/29/2014 - Easter cockles ♪ Spring colors ♪
- 03/28/2014 - Spider Man on US Postal truck? Click the picture and you can see him on their web site, too!
- 03/27/2014 - What is that long line up for?
- 03/26/2014 - Morgan Library in Manhattan was a resident for Morgan family, now a beautiful place to enjoy quiet time with treasures
- 03/25/2014 - Macy's flower show 2014
- 03/24/2014 - It did not feel like spring today but it is coming soon!
- 03/23/2014 - View from Tram between Manhattan & Roosevelt Island, where I lived for two years and still visit for tennis
- 03/22/2014 - Italian restaurant inside Grand Central station
- 03/21/2014 - I met my idol Liberty-san at NY blogger panel discussion
- 03/20/2014 - First day of Spring 2014! For my special friend who loves tulip!
- 03/19/2014 - Another masterpiece!
- 03/18/2014 - Graffiti or beautiful art?
- 03/17/2014 - Energetic and exiting subway musicians
- 03/16/2014 - Congratulations Sahoko-san & Dean
- 03/15/2014 - View from the top of Rockefeller Center
- 03/14/2014 - Spring flower window
- 03/13/2014 - Grand Central Station
- 03/12/2014 - For victims from NY building explosion
- 03/11/2014 - For all victims from 311
- 03/10/2014 - Empire State Building
- 03/09/2014 - Flower shop on my street
- 03/08/2014 - Prada Spring 2014
- 03/07/2014 - Japan Society where I volunteer as a docent
- 03/06/2014 - Welcome to my Daily Photo